Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Is that a tear in Baby Ned's eye? Posted by Picasa

Bu Why Mommie?

My little wimplet. Posted by Picasa

Ned attempts a challenge....

... to no avail. Zu-Zu will not be intimidated. Posted by Picasa

ZUZU- rules

So here she is. In Ned B's bed. It took her about 3 days to take over. Would have happened sooner but we kept her in a saparate room from the other guys for 2 days. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ned Biscuit, Chocoholic

Wha? chokit? wus chokit? Posted by Picasa

Halloween 05

Scott and Kari Posted by Picasa

Todd, BIC, Bee in charge

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Halloween 05

This was a Halloween to remember only because I had a cool costume ( Meany Mouse), and because Ned Biscuit tried to kill himself by comsuming an entire bag of Hershey's miniatures.
Todd and I went over to my brother Scott's house for his roommate Chris' party that was'nt. We went across the street to a party that was, but neither of us felt in the mood - particularly since Todd had to work in the morning. Good thing we went home early because Ned had just strated on the second bag of Hersheys.
Moments later we were at Dove Lewis, 24 hour emergency animal hospital waiting in the lobby for the word on whether Ned's force vomiting was working out okay. In the meantime we got to witness a woman walking out of the place in tears with an empty cat carrier, and a man being told that his cat's urinary blockage was going to cost him $1000 to treat.
The good news is that Ned Biscuit pulled through. This was his second chocolate overdose followed by a trip to Dove Lewis. the moral of the story? Hide the chocolate better.
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My New Blog

Well I have finally done it. I have set up a Blog for myself. I